Fundraising and development of our incorporation’s Alnoor7 Inc.

Some fundraising strategies to generate and raise money which include:

1. Sending out fundraising letters to companies ( companies grants and donations ): Sending letters to potential donors of companies asking for their support.

2. Sending out fundraising letters to individuals ( individual grants and donations ): Sending letters to potential donors of individuals asking for their support.

3- Sending out fundraising letters or filling out applications to government: ( government grants ): Sending letters or filling out applications to government many parties asking for their support.

4- Obtaining grants and donations through the effective use of e-mail, by sending messages that contain a donation link, and by organizing various donation campaigns.

5. Creating a donation page on our website: the donation page on our website making it easy for people to donate to our organization at any time.

6. Creating a donation page on our social media accounts: the donation links on our social media accounts and others making it easy for people to donate to our organization anytime and anywhere.

7. Launching a crowdfunding campaign: Use a crowdfunding platform to raise money for our organization.

8. Hosting a fundraising event: Organize an event, such as a dinner or auction, to raise money for our organization.

9. Trying to use peer-to-peer fundraising: Encourage our supporters to fundraise on behalf of our organization.

10. Enabling recurring donations: Allow donors to set up recurring donations to our organization.

11- Trying to offer a text-giving option: Allow people to donate to our organization via text message.

12- Trying use In-kind donation: Using in-kind donation is a good way to raise money.

13- Obtaining a bank loan ( capital startup) when is necessary and needed to finance the services and activities of the organization and ensure its continuity and non-stop.

14- Attempting to obtain money from selling some services and products and using it to finance our non-profit services and activities.

15- Continuing to search for other possible methods of collecting grants and donations, and using it immediately if it’s good.

16- Obtaining a grants and donations by collaboration with other parties

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