We combat religious terrorism by educating people the true religion of peace and respect

Alnoor7 Inc. is a nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) under the laws of the state of Texas. We have obtained a sales and franchise tax exemption certificate. We are deeply concerned about the threat that religious terrorism poses to humanity, which is often a result of a distorted and misunderstood interpretation of religion. This misinterpretation is the main cause of religious terrorism in many countries worldwide. Our primary objective is to provide accurate information about the similarities between the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. Our aim is to educate our audience and demonstrate that the same religion, originating from one god throughout history, conveys the same principles across different holy books, despite using diverse styles, words, and languages. It is a religion that promotes peace, love, cooperation, and respect among people over the ages. We aim to combat this religious terrorism resulting from a misunderstanding of religion. Our local nonprofit organization is committed to achieving our mission through various means. These include raising awareness, reaching out to larger audiences, providing information and resources, fostering a sense of community, engaging in outreach and sharing, promoting education, offering community service and social action, facilitating worship and prayer, fostering community building, hosting interfaith dialogues, providing counseling and support services, collaborating with other organizations, and delivering a wide range of public benefit services.

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